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Marketing is a very dynamic field. Trends emerge and evolve as technology progresses. If you’re new to the vibrant marketing world (or embarking on your own business venture) you may have come across buzzwords like *clears throat* SWOT, PESTLE, STP… the list goes inexorably on. All these have their uses, and I will share what has served me best in my career, in time.

But, I haven’t come across a framework in my marketing career that is as useful to guide your marketing strategy as the AIDA model. 

It’s not a cryptic code, and if it sounds like that to you, I’m here to unravel the mystery behind it. I’ll even share some tips, too! 

AIDA is an acronym for a model that traces the customer journey through four phases: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. They are named after the cognitive stages your prospective customers go through in the buying process. 

To help you visualize, imagine a funnel. The top part is when your prospect finds out about your product (or service) and the bottom is when they decide to take action – and hopefully – purchase. We can draw this as a funnel with each stage narrowing down until we reach your intended outcome: a sale or a conversion. It’s like magic, really. When done right, it can be downright spellbinding. 

Here’s a diagram:

AIDA Funnel

Let’s tackle each stage, shall we?

Attention: Captivating the Curious Eyes

Picture this: you’re scrolling through your social feed, and suddenly, a headline grabs your attention like a sparkling gem in a sea of monotony. That’s the power of the Attention stage. You’ve got to stop those busy scrollers right in their tracks. How? Captivating headlines that spark curiosity like a cliffhanger in your favourite TV show. Mix in some eye-catching visuals – think memes, vibrant graphics, or even a quirky GIF. (Of course, use content that jives with your brand’s imagery okay?)  Remember, this is your first impression, so make it count!

Let’s talk tactics:

  • Intriguing Teasers: Drop hints about an upcoming product launch like breadcrumbs leading to a hidden treasure. Tease them just enough to pique their interest and leave them wanting more.
  • Eye-Popping Visuals: Use stunning visuals that convey your brand’s personality. A striking image can capture attention faster than you can say “Abracadabra!”

Interest: Weaving Tales of Intrigue

Okay, you’ve grabbed their attention. What now? It’s time to draw them in deeper with stories that make their curiosity dance like nobody’s watching. Think of it as sharing the behind-the-scenes of your brand – the ‘why’ and ‘how’ that makes you unique. Craft compelling blog posts or videos that unravel your journey. A good story will make your audience nod, smile, and think, “This is something I want to be part of!”

Try these tips:

  • Showcase the Journey: Highlight your challenges and victories. People love relatable stories, and it’s a fantastic way to connect.
  • Problem-Solution Showdown: Address pain points your audience might have and offer a sneak peek at how your product or service can swoop in to save the day.

Desire: Setting Hearts Aflutter

You’ve got their attention, and they’re interested – now it’s time to turn up the heat. The Desire stage is where you make them crave what you’re offering. The secret sauce? Customer testimonials and success stories act like sparkling fairy dust, adding credibility to your claims. Sprinkle in some FOMO with exclusive deals that make them say, “I’ve got to have it NOW!”

Here’s what to do:

  • Testimonial Tales: Share real stories from satisfied customers. It’s like having your best friend vouch for your awesomeness.
  • Urgency Unleashed: Limited-time offers, flash sales, or exclusive deals create a buzz that’s hard to resist. After all, who doesn’t want a piece of the pie?

Action: The Grand Finale

The grand finale is here! You’ve captivated their attention, sparked their interest, and ignited desire. Now, it’s showtime for the Action stage. Make it as easy as waving a wand for them to take the next step. Imagine a big, bold CTA button that screams, “Click me now for magic!” And hey, if there’s a form involved, keep it simple – nobody wants to decipher complex incantations.

Try these enchantments:

  • CTA Enchantment: Make your Call-to-Action buttons impossible to miss. Bold colors, clear wording, and a sprinkle of enthusiasm work like charm.
  • Form Simplification Spell: Reduce the fields in your forms. The less they have to fill, the quicker they’ll make the leap.


There you have it! The AIDA marketing framework (or model, seriously, name me a field that has more buzzwords than marketing!) is a fool-proof way to guide your marketing strategies and tactics. From capturing attention to igniting action, it’s a surefire way to take your audience on an epic journey through to finding value in your business. 

Marketing is an ever-evolving field, but this is one of the strategic models that have stood the test of time (and tech!). So, grab your wands and get ready to weave marketing magic!

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